The Oxford Library Sale

The Oxford Library Sale

Date: 8th Feb, 2023 11:00
Location: Oxford

Lot 386
A Canon lens TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L with an...

Sold for £320
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 387
A Canon lens EF 85mm f/1.2 L 11 USM with...

Sold for £480
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 388
A Canon T.90 camera outfit to include: a Canon...

Sold for £580
Estimated at £50 - £150

Lot 389
A Leica Rangefinder M9-P digital camera Serial...

Sold for £2,800
Estimated at £800 - £1,200

Lot 390
A Leica M6 Rangefinder camera, body in black,...

Sold for £1,500
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 391
A Leica Summicron-m f/2/35 ASPH E39 3865032 lens.

Sold for £1,100
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 392
A 1956 Leica IIf Rangefinder camera, Serial No....

Sold for £420
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 393
A Hasselblad 500C/M medium format camera with...

Sold for £1,300
Estimated at £500 - £800

Lot 394
A Carl Zeiss Jena DDR S f/2.8 f=180 lens. Nr...

Sold for £75
Estimated at £50 - £150

Lot 395
A pair of Nikon Monarch M511 10 x 42 5.5...

Sold for £180
Estimated at £40 - £80

Lot 396
A pair of Canon image stabilizer 10 x42 L IS...

Sold for £350
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 397
A Canon Macro ring lite MR-14EX, a Canon...

Sold for £170
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 398
A Rolleiflex Automat Model 3 camera DRP...

Sold for £140
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 399
A Vest-pocket Tenax camera patent 17624.08...

Sold for £50
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 399A
A Leicaflex SL camera with a Leitz...

Sold for £260
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 400
A pair of Zeiss West German 8x20B compact...

Sold for £160
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 401
Nonesuch Press: 'The Works of William...

Sold for £1,100
Estimated at £800 - £1,200

Lot 402
Lawrence, (T.E.) 'The Odyssey of Homer'...

Sold for £3,200
Estimated at £800 - £1,200

Lot 403
Nonesuch Press. Dante Alighieri, 'La Divina...

Sold for £450
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 404
Cleverdon, (Douglas). Sassoon, (Siegfried)....

Sold for £400
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 405
Ashenden Press. Hornby, (C.H. St John). A...

Sold for £1,400
Estimated at £700 - £900

Lot 406
Cresset Press. 'The Apocrypha according to the...

Sold for £190
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 407
Kelmscott Press. 'The History of Godefrey of...

Sold for £3,200
Estimated at £400 - £600

Lot 409
Cresset Press. Poems by D.H. Lawrence. Blair...

Sold for £1,400
Estimated at £400 - £600

Lot 410
Lawrence. (David Herbert) 'The Ship of Death...

Sold for £160
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 411
Essex House Press. (Laurence Housman and C.R....

Sold for £240
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 412
Essex House Press (C.R. Ashbee). The Prayer...

Sold for £650
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 413
Gemini Press. Graves, (Ida). Hughes Stanton,...

Sold for £180
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 414
Gregynog Press. The Plays of Euripides. 2 vols....

Sold for £150
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 415
Gregynog Press. The Lamentations of Jeremiah....

Sold for £650
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 416
Gregynog Press. The Revelation of Saint John...

Sold for £1,000
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 417
Gregynog Press. Comus, A Mask by John Milton....

Sold for £250
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 419
Gregynog Press. Four Great Castles. An Essay...

Sold for £350
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 420
Folio Society. 'Illustrations of Birds Drawn...

Sold for £1,900
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 421
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works thereof: A...

Sold for £580
Estimated at £400 - £600

Lot 422
Folio Society. The Herefordshire Pomona. 2...

Sold for £500
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 423
Basilisk Press. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer...

Sold for £880
Estimated at £500 - £800

Lot 424
Pageant Books. A facsimile of the Gutenberg...

Sold for £900
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 425
A group of four Facsimile titles: Codex...

Sold for £500
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 426
Grandes Horas del Duque de Berry Patrimonio...

Sold for £700
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 427
Bull, Henry Graves Ed. and Hogg, Robert. 'The...

Sold for £1,500
Estimated at £1,500 - £2,500

Lot 428
Shakespeare Head Press. Froissarts Cronycles....

Sold for £400
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 429
Nonesuch Press: Oscar Wilde 'Recollections by...

Sold for £140
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 430
Nonesuch Press: 'In Memoriam', Alfred Lord...

Sold for £420
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 431
Hope, W.H. St John. The Stall Plates of the...

Sold for £420
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 432
Pote, Joseph. History of Windsor Castle...

Sold for £45
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 434
Hope, W.H. St John. Windsor Castle, an...

Sold for £200
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 435
Wakeling, Edward. 'Lewis Carroll's Diaries'....

Sold for £180
Estimated at £40 - £80

Lot 436
Cooke, Mordecai Cubbitt (1825-1914) British...

Sold for £1,450
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 437
The Diary of a Grand Tour. Dec 8th 1906-7th...

Sold for £130
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 438
Burton, Richard F. 'The Book of the Thousand...

Sold for £110
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 439
Rampant Lions Press. 'The Psalms of David'....

Sold for £280
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 440
Nonesuch Press: Homer, The Odyssey and The...

Sold for £850
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 441
Sangorski, F. and Sutcliffe, G. The Rubaiyat...

Sold for £480
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 442
Golden Cockerel Press. Fitzgerald, Edward...

Sold for £580
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 443
Cranbrook Press. (George Booth Michigan). 'The...

Sold for £650
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 444
Vale Press: Tennyson, (Alfred Lord). 'In...

Sold for £240
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 445
Nonesuch Press: The Holy Bible, Bloomsbury,...

Sold for £100
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 446
Spenser, (Edmund). Crane, (Walter)...

Sold for £700
Estimated at £400 - £600

Lot 447
Fine Binding: Attributed to Roger de Coverly,...

Sold for £75
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 448
Fine Binding: Riviere & Co. The Rubaiyat of...

Sold for £500
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 449
Zaehnsdorf (Binder). 'Holbein's Dance of Death'...

Sold for £750
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 450
Golden Cockerel Press: Thomas Gray's 'Elegy...

Sold for £240
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 451
Vale Press (Hacon & Ricketts): 'The Poems of...

Sold for £350
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 452
Bewick, (Thomas). 'The Fables of Aesop and...

Sold for £180
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 453
Shakespeare Head Press. 'The Works of Geoffrey...

Sold for £800
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 454
Shakespeare Head Press: Haberly, (Loyd)....

Sold for £520
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 455
Nonesuch Press: 'The History of Herodotus of...

Sold for £850
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 456
Eliot, (George). Brock, (C.E.) (Illus). Silas...

Sold for £85
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 457
Ricketts, (Charles). Vale Press. 'The Parables...

Sold for £500
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 458
H.M. Stationery Office. 'The Crown Jewels, The...

Sold for £400
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 459
Tattersfield, (Nigel). Thomas Bewick, The...

Sold for £30
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 460
Folio Society. 'The Kelmscott Chaucer'. A...

Sold for £170
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 461
Private Press Titles: Douglas Claverdon/Clover...

Sold for £520
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 462
Jones, (George William). British Printer and...

Sold for £55
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 463
Leighton, (William). Florentine Sonnets. G...

Sold for £320
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 464
Fine Bindings: Blackie & Sons. Pictures and...

Sold for £300
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 465
Skelton, (Christopher). Eric Gill, 'The...

Sold for £60
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 466
Gill, (Eric). 'The Four Gospels of the Lord...

Sold for £100
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 467
Gill, (Eric). 'The Four Gospels of the Lord...

Sold for £160
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 468
Gill, (Eric). The Canterbury Tales No....

Sold for £280
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 470
Gill, (Eric). A collection of c30 books and...

Sold for £140
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 471
Gill, (Eric). A set of fourteen post cards...

Sold for £55
Estimated at £30 - £60

Lot 472
Gill, (Eric). 'Twenty-Five Nudes'. J.M. Dent,...

Sold for £85
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 473
Golden Cockerel Press: Ecclesiastes or the...

Sold for £260
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 474
Gill, (Eric). Illustrator: Golden Cockerel...

Sold for £450
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 475
Eragny Press, E and L Pissarro. Songs by Ben...

Sold for £400
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 476
Vale Press: Browne, (Sir Thomas). 'Religio...

Sold for £750
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 477
Woodward, (Bernard Bolingbroke) (1816-1869)...

Sold for £120
Estimated at £50 - £150

Lot 478
Arthur Wellesley. 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-...

Sold for £170
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 479
Pion Ltd/Johnson Reprint Corp. London and New...

Sold for £480
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 480
I.M. Imprint (Press) Ian Mortimer: Ornamented...

Sold for £800
Estimated at £200 - £300