Beardsley (Aubrey) Illustrator 'A Portfolio of Aubrey Beardsley's Drawings Illustrating 'Salome' by Oscar Wilde'. List of 17 plates (John Lane c1920) Half cream, much stained and lacking ties)
Sold for £500
Estimated at £100 - £200
Beardsley (Aubrey) Illustrator 'A Portfolio of Aubrey Beardsley's Drawings Illustrating 'Salome' by Oscar Wilde'. List of 17 plates (John Lane c1920) Half cream, much stained and lacking ties)
17 plates are present.
The paper has yellowed and is more stained at the edges.
Disclaimer: whilst we seek to describe lots accurately, it may be impractical for us to carry out exhaustive due diligence on each lot. Prospective buyers are given ample opportunities to view and inspect before any sale and they (and any independent experts on their behalf) must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of any description applied to a lot. Prospective buyers also bid on the understanding that, inevitably, representations or statements by us as to authorship, origin, date, age, provenance, condition or estimated selling price involve matters of opinion.
Auction: The Oxford Library Sale, 22nd May, 2024
Lots 1 – 300
Works of Art, Tribal Art, Ancient Art, Furniture, Rugs, Clocks and Wine
Lot 301 – 546
Antiquarian and Modern Books
Lots 301 – 317
Books from the Personal Library of the late Theologian Rev. Dr Roger Beckwith
Lots 318 – 360
Books from the Library of the late Professor Francis Haskell (1928 – 2000)
Lot 361 – 429
Books from the Libraries of the Oakeshott and Eastwood Families of Stonesfield Manor Oxfordshire
Lots 430 - 546
Books from Multiple Vendors
Saturday 18 May - 9am - 1pm
Monday 20 May - 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 21 May - 9am - 5pm