Fairburn (John), Publisher, London. Fairburn's Edition of the Trial of Sir Home Popham (1762-1820) for withdrawing the whole of the Naval Force under his Command, without orders, to attack the Spanish Settlement in the Rio de la Plata... March 1807. See note on end paper. 60pp, marbled boards, half calf, fragile (210 x 135mm) plus 'Anon' 'Notes on the Vice Royalty of La Plata in South America...'. Stockdale, London 1808, 5 maps/plans as listed but lacks portrait of Sir Samuel Auchmuty. Small 4to. Half black calf and marbled boards, bumped etc (2)
Provenance: Malcolm Deas Collection
Sold for £110
Estimated at £100 - £200
Fairburn (John), Publisher, London. Fairburn's Edition of the Trial of Sir Home Popham (1762-1820) for withdrawing the whole of the Naval Force under his Command, without orders, to attack the Spanish Settlement in the Rio de la Plata... March 1807. See note on end paper. 60pp, marbled boards, half calf, fragile (210 x 135mm) plus 'Anon' 'Notes on the Vice Royalty of La Plata in South America...'. Stockdale, London 1808, 5 maps/plans as listed but lacks portrait of Sir Samuel Auchmuty. Small 4to. Half black calf and marbled boards, bumped etc (2)
Provenance: Malcolm Deas Collection
Auction: The Oxford Library Sale, 8th Feb, 2024
Day One
Clocks, Furniture, Works of Art and Collectable - Lots 1 - 406
Day Two
Fine Bindings and Incunables from the collection of the late John P. Love - Lots 501- 575 (Click here to read about J. P. Love)
Antiquarian and Modern Books from multiple vendors - Lots 576 - 598
Books from the Library of the late Malcom Deas - Lots 601 - 702 (Click here to read about M. Deas)
Antiquarian and Modern Books from multiple vendors - Lots 703 - 783
Saturday 3 February 9am - 1pm
Monday 5 February 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 6 February 9am - 5pm