Lot 378 - Lang (John Dunmore) 'An Historical and...

Sold for £90
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 379 - [Vairasse (Denis)] 'Historie des Sevarambes,...

Sold for £90
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 380 - Dutton (Francis). 'South Australia and Its...

Sold for £350
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 381 - Phrenology. Cruikshank (George)....

Sold for £70
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 382 - Phrenology. Spurzheim (Dr J.G.). 'The...

Sold for £160
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 383 - Lavater (The Rev John Caspar). 'The Whole...

Sold for £40
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 384 - Lavater (The Rev. John Caspar). Essays on...

Sold for £150
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 385 - Picciolus (Antonius) 16th century Italian....

Sold for £320
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 387 - Magnetism and Mesmerism:- Deleuze...

Sold for £600
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 388 - Gregory (William) 'Animal Magnetism or...

Sold for £280
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 389 - Pomponius Mela: Libri tres de situ orbis cum...

Sold for £380
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 390 - An early 18th century Latin text manuscript...

Sold for £400
Estimated at £300 - £500

Lot 393 - Shoberl (Frederic) Narrative of the Most...

Sold for £110
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 394 - Baines (Edward) 'History of the Wars of the...

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 395 - Anon. 'An Impartial History of the late...

Sold for £160
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 397 - de Valois (Marguerite) Reine de France et de...

Sold for £50
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 399 - Lady Sale - 'A Journal of the Disasters in...

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 400 - Maucroix, (Chanoine de Reims). trans....

Sold for £40
Estimated at £40 - £80

Lot 401 - de Pambour (Chev. F.M.G.) 'A Practical...

Sold for £200
Estimated at £200 - £300

Lot 402 - Hollond (Robert), Mason (Monk) and Green...

Sold for £90
Estimated at £70 - £150

Lot 403 - Theology: A collection of c50 titles in used...

Sold for £100
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 404 - A William III Holy Bible, Old and New...

Sold for £380
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 411 - A collection of mixed English Literature...

Sold for £90
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 413 - Mayall (Beard) Tallis's History and...

Sold for £50
Estimated at £50 - £100

Lot 418 - Keyne (John Maynard) 'The General Theory of...

Sold for £100
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 421 - Livy (Titus Livius) Roman Historian 'Ab Urbe...

Sold for £130
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 422 - Homer 'Ilias and Odyssea' Joshua Barnes Ed. 2...

Sold for £170
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 423 - Sallusti C Crispi Opera Omnia Quae Exstant....

Sold for £70
Estimated at £100 - £200