Ivon Hitchens Prices: Orange And Yellow Lilies Sold For £54,000


Ivon Hitchens prices typically reflect his status as a standalone figure in landscape art. Earlier this year, we demonstrated this at auction when Orange and Yellow Lilies sold for £54,000.

This May, Ivon Hitchens’ painting Orange and Yellow Lilies sold at auction for £54,000. It’s an oil on canvas painting, just over half a metre square, and signed by the artist in the bottom right corner.

It’s one of a series of modern art works by a variety of different artists sold by Mallams Auctioneers this spring, and yet another example of the great demand for good quality modern and post-war art that we’re experiencing today.

Looking for a quick, expert modern and post-war art valuation? Get in touch.


Ivon Hitchens, who died almost forty years ago, was an English painter who came to prominence in the inter-war period. Part of the renowned London Group of artists, his work was widely exhibited during the 1930s.

Bombed out of his London home in 1940, he set himself up in a caravan near Petworth in Sussex where he stayed until his death in 1979. Much of his work is of natural subjects, and his signature style is landscapes formed from blocks of colour.


This sale is just one of a long line of works by modern artists going for headline figures. During their lifetimes, these artists were not selling their work for large sums. Many were just making ends meet. Great works by famous British landscape artists such as Constable and Gainsborough have always sold well, but in the late twentieth century, modern art was often looked at with a mixture of suspicion and disdain.

But times are changing. Art is gaining a reputation as a reliable investment for those who wish to convert money into assets. This has lifted prices across the board and kindled interest in good quality modern artists such as Hitchens.


The implication of this is that many people are sitting on potentially valuable modern artworks that they’re not aware of.

It’s not just paintings either. Modern art encompasses sculpture, ceramics, photography and much more.


Maybe they haven’t been forgotten at all. Possibly you’re already displaying a collection of modern artworks by artists who were contemporaries of your parents and grandparents. Works that are attractive, but which you’ve never considered valuable objects of desire. Isn’t it time to let a professional value them and see what you’ve got?

Ivon Hitchens prices aren’t the only ones to increase exponentially many years after an artist’s death. It’s becoming a common phenomenon. While they may not all be worth fifty grand, there could be hidden gems in your collection running into the hundreds or thousands.


Key to the worth of your collection is an accurate valuation and a successful auction house. When assessing the worth and origins of a piece of art, it’s essential to get an expert opinion. A generalist art dealer won’t be able to pinpoint the exact value of a piece. That’s the domain of an expert who has studied the artist in depth and knows their work intimately.

It’s the job of the good art valuer to know where they can find that level of expertise and bring them in to take a look. We pride ourselves on being able to do just that; our colleagues in the Modern and Post-War Art team have a wealth of experience between them and numerous specialist contacts in every field. If you have a piece of modern art you wish to sell, bring it to us for a valuation. Who knows—you could have another £54,000 work.

Mallams Auctioneers is an Oxford-based auctioneers capable of providing free, no-obligation valuations of a wide range of post-war and modern art. For a competitive fee, we can also produce valuation reports. These are clear, compliant with current legislation, and personalised for each client, so every client knows they’re getting the most accurate and insightful valuation prepared just for them.

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